In collaboration with AARP Texas, we are offering 60 FREE End-of-Life
Planning, Advance Care Planning, and Grief Education webinars.
Download our 2025 schedule below.
Thinking and talking about your final wishes can be tough.
It’s not always easy but, doing the work of deciding, discussing, and documenting your final wishes and sharing those wishes with your loved ones has proven to ease anxieties and reduce stress.
Peace of mind for everyone!
Your "Peace of Mind" End of Life Plan
How to Decide, Discuss, and Document
Your Final Wishes BEFORE You Go
Getting the practical side of your affairs in order will give reassurance "that everything is taken care of" to those you most care about. By prioritizing, addressing, and sharing your end of life and after-death wishes and by having the necessary conversations, you
will unburden your loved ones from having to
make difficult and necessary decisions
as they grieve and mourn.
Attend this webinar and learn how to: ·
Plan and document your wishes in case
of medical or other emergencies
Track important medical and
insurance information
Store key information on property,
vehicles, and non-financial assets
Document what you have
and what you owe
Make the "unseen" visible by
creating a digital estate plan
Express your final wishes for how
you'd like to be remembered
Provide grief support to your loved
ones before and after your death
Store and digitally access all your
final wishes documents
Regardless of whether you're young or old,
healthy, or ill, this webinar is for you!
Remember, when it comes to completing
Your Peace of Mind End of Life Plan,
it's always too soon until it's too late,
so be sure to register today!
February 4, 2025
10:30 am - 12:00 pm CT
Future Dates
May 6, 2025
August 5, 2025
November 4, 2025
After Death Care & Grief Support
How to Make Your Final Arrangements
Just like planning for a wedding, a baby, or buying
a home or car, families need to discuss funeral planning and the costs involved. Avoiding the topic will make it more difficult and likely more expensive
for your loved ones.
Planning ahead can make a painful time easier
to bear, and many find great meaning and
peace carrying out thoughtful funeral
plans that honor their
loved one’s wishes.
Attend this webinar and learn how to:
Be a Savvy Consumer – Know Your Rights
When Dealing with Funeral Homes
Shop Until You Drop - Pre-Planning vs.
Pre-Paying Final Arrangements
Donate - Organs, Tissues, and Eyes
Give Your Body to Research and
Medical Training
Complete Your Body Disposition Directives
Determine Your Body Disposition – Terramation, Cremation, Aquamation, Burial, Recomposting
Create the Ceremony You Want in
Celebration of Your Life
Decide Type of Interment
Where, How, When
Decide What Happens to Your Cremains
Scattered Glass, Stones, or Jewelry
Whatever you choose, be sure it’s based on what’s meaningful to you, not on what you think
other people expect you to do.
No amount of money, great or small, can express how we feel about those who have died. Taking an active role in funeral arrangements—whether that means carrying out the whole process without a funeral
home or just preparing and delivering the
eulogy—is more meaningful than
the money we spend.
March 4, 2024
10:30 am to 12:00 pm CT
Future Dates
June 3, 2025
September 2, 2025
December 2, 2025
Each year the Funeral Consumers Alliance of Central Texas (FCACTX), a
non-profit consumer group provides information to help you make
end-of-life decisions that fit your values and your budget,
publishes their Funeral Home and Cemetery Price Surveys.
We will keep you up-to-date on upcoming webinars, activities, and events.
Garrick Colwell has been a Hospice Volunteer since 1987, providing respite care and as a hospice chaplain. He has also served as a volunteer on-call hospital chaplain.
Garrick is a Respecting Choices®, Person-Centered Care, First Steps®, Advance Care Planning Certified Instructor and Facilitator.
As a Certified Grief Recovery Specialist, Garrick co-created with Hospice Austin Conversations On Grief, a monthly online grief education and support program. He is a Certified Grief Educator by David Kessler at Garrick holds a Death and Grief Studies Certification from the Center for Loss and Life Transition under the direction of Alan D Wolfelt, Ph.D.
Garrick is a widower. During his late wife, Kinsloe’s five-year illness, Garrick was her patient advocate, full-time caregiver, and end of life companion. Recently he lost his dad.