This video with Dr. Alan Wolfelt provides a unique perspective on how to carry out some “cherishing” actions during the holiday season. Dr. Wolfelt defines cherishing as “the art of actively engaging with your everlasting love in meaningful ways.” Cherishing is intentionally creating moments
to acknowledge and embrace your ongoing love.
We will keep you up-to-date on upcoming webinars, activities, and events.
Download Your Conversation Starter Guide then watch the video as it takes you step-by-step on how to decide and talk about what matters most to you with your loved ones and health care team.
In this conversation Barbara Morningstar (In Autumn's Cocoon) and Tom Golden dispel many of the myths around the masculine grieving style, why men often express their grief differently and how to better support them.
A rich conversation with Lucy Kalanithi, MD, When Breath Becomes Air and Frank Ostaseski , The Five Invitations on how we deal with death, dying , grief and mourning.
More than half of Americans are “afraid” or “very afraid” of facing death. But the birth of the “Death Positive” or “Death Wellness” movement is aimed at changing our cultural mindset about dying.
The campaign has grown thanks to Caitlin Doughty, host of the YouTube channel “Ask A Mortician” who coined the “death positive” phrase.
On this episode of The Stream, we will explore what it means to be “death positive” and discuss ways people are learning to embrace their mortality.
At the end of our lives, what do we most wish for? For many, it’s simply comfort, respect, love. BJ Miller is a palliative care physician who thinks deeply about how to create a dignified, graceful end of life for his patients. Take the time to savor this moving talk, which asks big questions about how we think on death and honor life.
Even when people express their end-of-life care wishes, honoring their choices can be challenging or impractical. Dr. Karen Boudreau’s family knows this from experience. She wrote this letter to her loved ones to offer guidance in case they ever need to make difficult decisions at the end of her life.
The message is clear. Do your Advance Care Planning. Document your end of life wishes. Give the gift of clarity to your loved ones so they are prepared to ensure your wishes are honored and respected.
In her TEDxTufts talk, Isabel Merrin tackles ideas about death and dying, and why young people are so afraid to have these tricky conversations. Through her experiences working in hospice care, Isabel has developed a unique perspective on end of life care.
We know that starting conversations about end-of-life care wishes with your loved ones can be hard.
But with a little practice and some help from The Conversation Project Starter Kits you can be one your way.
What's it like to play "Hello"? Listen in on a group that played the game that helps you talk about living, dying and what matters most.
Talking about your end-of-life wishes with your family is an act of love.
Watch how this family comes together to discover what 85 year old Norm really wants at the end of his life.
Practicing surgeon Atul Gawande discusses the four important parts of talking with terminally ill patients about their end-of-life care. Rather than pressing patients to make hard decisions, Gawande emphasizes the importance of asking questions about their hopes and fears.
A beautiful story about the gift advance planning can be to your loved ones and healthcare professionals.
Advance care planning is a process of reflection and communication, a time for you to reflect on your values and wishes, and to let others know your future health and personal care preferences.
It's how we show we care for each other!
Choosing a healthcare proxy/agent is one of the most important decisions you'll ever make. Watch this short video then download a FREE Healthcare Proxy Kit at
The Conversation Project interviewed Reverend Gloria White-Hammond, MD, who is Co-Pastor at Bethel AME Church in Boston, Massachusetts. Reverend White-Hammond describes how The Conversation Project made a difference for one family. Learn more at
The Conversation Project interviewed Reverend Gloria White-Hammond, MD, who is Co-Pastor at Bethel AME Church in Boston, Massachusetts. Reverend White-Hammond describes how The Conversation Project made a difference for one family. Learn more at